Author guidelines

Papers submit

The 73 issue of the Journal:

  • Send your article through the platform MyReview.
  • Important dates:
    • Submission deadline: March 17th, 2024.
    • Submission deadline: April 4th, 2024.
    • Notification of acceptance: May 16th, 2024.
    • Camera-ready: May 31st, 2024.
    • Publication: September 2024.

The 72 issue of the Journal:

  • Send your article through the platform MyReview.
  • Important dates:
    • Submission deadline: December 15th, 2023.
    • Notification of acceptance: February 5th, 2024.
    • Camera-ready: February 12th, 2024.
    • Publication: March 2024.

Article format

The work you submit for review for publication in the Journal of the Society must satisfy the following norms:

  • The maximum size allowed for contributions is up to 10 DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm.) of content plus unlimited references.
  • Since the review process is double-blind, the name of the authors has not been in the paper. The references to previous papers of the authors have to be anonymized.
  • The articles can be written in English or Spanish. The title, abstract, and key-words must be written in both languages.
  • The main title, abstract, and key-words must be written in the same language as the paper.
  • The number of keywords is limited to four. They have to be separated by a comma and end with a full stop.
  • The affiliation will be marked by numerical superscripts. See example templates. The postal address of each affiliation has not be indicated, but the contact email of all authors has. If the e-mail addresses share the server address (text after the @ symbol), it is recommended that the addresses be grouped together.
  • E-mail addresses are not allowed to be in hyperlink format when using the MS Word template.
  • URLs can be actionable, but their color has to be the same than the rest of the text and they have not be underline.
  • In case you use the LaTex template, if the language of the paper is Spanish, you have to use the package “sepln”, and in case the language of the paper is English, you have to use the Latex package “sepln_en”.
  • The labels of tables and figures have to be placed under the corresponding object, and they will be closed by a dot.
  • References to tables, equations and figures must follow the format: Table/Equation/Figure No. of the object.
  • The superscripts of the footnotes in case they coincide with a punctuation mark will be placed after it.
  • The acknowledgements will be presented as an unnumbered section just before the reference section. The acknowledgements section will be counted as part of the article to measure its maximum length.
  • Avoid using the LaTex hyperref package.
  • Quotes in LaTex should be written as follows: opening `` and closing ''.
  • The document format has to be Word or LaTex.

LaTeX format – Download the LaTeX template.
The PDF file will be sent with all the necessary sources for its LaTeX compilation.

Word format – Download the Word template.
The PDF file will be sent with the DOC or RTF file.

Format of thesis abstracts

The SEPLN encourages the NLP researchers to submit a synopsis of their thesis for being published in the Journal of the Society. If your thesis is related with the Natural Language Processing, and you have the intention to submit a summing up for its publication, the document must have the following structure:

  • The maximum size allowed is up to 4 pages.
  • Name and surname of the author.
  • University or workplace of the author.
  • Mailing address.
  • Email.
  • The title of the thesis (in Spanish and English).
  • An abstract in Spanish and in English with a maximum size of 150 words. The abstract must be included information about
  • the place, the date of the defense, thesis director(s), the defense committee, and the qualification of the thesis.
  • A list of keywords in Spanish and English.
  • The first section must sum up the objectives and the motivation of the thesis.
  • The second section must describe the structure or the organization of the thesis.
  • The third section must indicate the most important contributions.
  • The most highlighted published works of the author must be included in the last section of References.

Only abstracts of theses will be accepted in the even numbers of the Journal.

Preprint polices

The Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural allows authors to share their papers in preprint platforms. Depending on the state of the paper, the following information has to be indicated:

  • Under review: You have to indicate in the comments section "Under review in the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural".
  • In press: You have to inform in the comments section "Accepted in the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural".
  • Published: You have to update the comments section with the message "Published in the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural" and to post the doi.

How to cite the journal

In order to ensure uniformity in the way of citing the journal Natural Language Processing several examples of how you should cite articles published in the journal are displayed.

Muñoz-Gil, R., Aparicio, F., & de Buenaga, M. (2012). Sistema de Acceso a la Información basado en conceptos utilizando Freebase en Español-Inglés sobre el dominio Médico y Turístico. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 49, 29-38. Retrieved from

To facilitate the citation of the articles in the journal, each item has the option “How to cite item”, which shows different formats how to cite the article. Among the most useful formats included are: BibTex, EndNote and RefWorks. To see an example, follow the link to the article “Sistema de Acceso a la Información basado en conceptos utilizando Freebase en Español-Inglés sobre el dominio Médico y Turístico“, and in the menu bar on the right you will find the option “How to cite item”.