Editorial council

The main tasks of the SEPLN journal Editorial council are the following:

  • To check the selection of papers and to decide the contents of each publication.
  • Editorial policy.
  • Journal preparation.
  • Contact with evaluators and authors.
  • Contact with the Advisory council.


Image in which L. Alfonso Ureña López appears.

L. Alfonso Ureña López

laurena [at] ujaen.es
University of Jaén
Position in the journal
Image in which Patricio Martínez Barco appears.

Patricio Martínez Barco

patricio [at] dlsi.ua.es
University of Alicante
Position in the journal
Image in which Manuel Palomar Sanz appears.

Manuel Palomar Sanz

mpalomar [at] dlsi.ua.es
University of Alicante
Position in the journal
Board members
Image in which Felisa Verdejo appears.

Felisa Verdejo

felisa [at] lsi.uned.es
Position in the journal
Board members