On the other hand, the SEPLN journal pretends to reflect and discuss in depth on specific topics of maximum relevance such as the extraction of information, the retrieval of information or the evaluation of natural language processing systems.
Topics of the Journal
- NLP for low-resource languages
- Efficient and sustainable NLP methods
- Ethics, Bias and Fairness in NLP
- Truthworthy and explainability in NLP
- Security and privacy in NLP
- Text and Multimodal Generation
- Multimodality and Language Grounding to Vision
- Knowledge and common sense
- Computational lexicography and terminology
- Linguistic theories, Cognitive Modeling and Psycholinguistics
- Morphological and Syntactic analysis
- Corpus linguistics
- Development of linguistic resources and tools
- Semantics, pragmatics, and discourse
- Machine translation
- Speech synthesis and recognition
- Audio indexing and retrieval
- Dialogue systems and interactive systems/ Conversational assistants
- Monolingual and multilingual information extraction and retrieval
- Question answering systems
- Automatic textual content analysis
- Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and argument mining
- Plagiarism detection
- Negation and speculation processing
- Text summarization
- Text simplification
- Image retrieval
- NLP in specific domains (Medicine, Law, Education...)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (printed version). ISSN: 1135-5948
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (electronic version). ISSN: 1989-7553

Since 2012, the journal has the Certificate of Excellence from the Spanish Federation of Science and Technology (FECYT). The aim of the FECYT seal of quality is to acknowledge and publicize the fact that the Spanish research journals meet international editorial quality standards.

The journal is being evaluated for inclusion in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) index and is currently included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.
Journal management
Editorial council
The editorial council is responsible, among other tasks, for preparing each publication, selecting and making decisions about the contents that make up each volume.
Advisory council
Among the tasks of the advisory board include the direction of the scientific policy of the journal, the decision of the research lines to be promoted or the attraction of new authors.
Letters to the editor
You could find the mailing address of the journal editor at the contact website's section, to send any request or observation.