Board Update


The SEPLN has updated the Society Board, in particular:

  • Resignments
    • Patricio Martínez Barco. After eleven years serving as vice-president of the SEPLN, the professor in Software Engineering of the University of Alicante Patricio Martínez left the Society Board. The SEPLN appreciates the work, effort and dedication of Patricio all these years.
    • Paloma Martínez Fernández. Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University Carlos III of Madrid Paloma Martínez ceased her responsabilities as Secretary of the Society, where she has also collaborated in the edition of the Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. The SEPLN appreciates her work, effort and dedication to the Society.
  • Additions
    • Rafael Muñoz Guillena. The professor in Software Engineering of the University of Alicante Rafael Muñoz joins as vice-president of the Society. Professor Rafael Muñoz has an extensive curriculum in the field of natural language processing and has also served as vice-rector for Campus and Sustainability at the University of Alicante between 2012 and 2020.
    • Alberto José Bugarín Diz. The professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of teh University of Santiago de Compostela will serve as secretary of the Society. Professor Alberto Bugarín is also member of the Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnologías Inteligentes (Citius).
    • Marta Villegas. She works as researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), where she leads the Text Mining unit. Marta will bear the responsability of "delegation of the president for the relationship with research centers and unique infrastructures".
    • Marta Guerrero Nieto. She is researcher and coordinator of the Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento (ICC), where she leads the group of computational linguistics. Marta will furtherance the relation amongst the SEPLN and the Industry through the "delegation of the president for the relationship with the industry".